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Organizations: National Snapshot PDF Print E-mail

Seattle, Washington- The MAVIN Foundation is one of the nation's leading organizations that builds healthy communities that celebrate and empower mixed heritage people and families. Our past projects include MAVIN Magazine, the Matchmaker Bone Marrow Donor Registration Project, Generation Mix National Awareness Tour, and the Multiracial Community Action Plan.  Current projects include the Mixed Heritage Center, BMT Basics Website, What are YouTube?, and quarterly community events. 

AMEA is an international association of organizations dedicated to advocacy, education and collaboration on behalf of the multiethnic, multiracial and transracial adoption community.

  Berkeley, California- iPride’s mission is to cultivate positive identity formation in children who are of more than one racial or ethnic heritage and/or who have been transracially adopted.

The Mixed Chicks "get together to have interesting discussions about issues that impact mixed raced individuals and families.... sometimes focusing on racism and the social awkwardness that comes with being mixed."

MASC is the only organization in Southern California that caters to the needs of multiracial people, people involved in interracial relationships, and transracial adoptees.

 New Demographic is the antithesis of the typical diversity training company.We don’t do awkward workshop exercises. We don’t use meaningless diversity training buzzwords. We don’t encourage empty, feel-good celebrations of multiculturalism 

 Loving Day is an educational community project. The name comes from Loving v. Virginia (1967), the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage in the United States.

Swirl is a national multi-ethnic organization that challenges society’s notions of race through community building, education, and action.


  • We believe that despite past gains towards equal rights, the persistent manifestations of racism and discrimination necessitates a movement of people with a desire for change.
  • We believe that as individuals whose very identities and experiences have challenged society's traditional notions of race, it is important to create a space to continue challenging those notions towards creating a more inclusive and fair society.
  • We believe in an all-inclusive society, where all individuals are afforded the dignity and autonomy to identify themselves in the ways they believe represent them.
  • We believe that identity is not fixed, but rather developed and decided through the influence of history, context, and personal experience.
  • We believe that although race does not exist biologically, its consequences are real and we are committed to working to change them.
  • We believe that discovering and educating ourselves are the first steps towards creating the change we want to see in society.
  • We believe in creating dialogue around race and identity amongst diverse communities.
  • We believe that it is important to go beyond the specific concerns of the mixed community in order to take collective action in challenging discrimination on a larger scale.

The Topaz Club (TTC) is a social-support sisterhood for biracial/multiracial women of African/African-American descent who are mixed with other heritages.  TTC  exists to serve as a professional,  social, and support network for its members.   It also exists  to discuss issues that affect multiracial women of African/African-American descent. The Topaz Club operates as an online community and has branch/chapters in select cities around the United States.   For more information about The Topaz Club, visit The Topaz Club’s website at .

 The mission is to broaden awareness of the multiracial and multicultural experience and to give multiracial people the choice of being recognized in their wholeness rather than one part over another.  

 Berkeley, California - AFAAD is a nonprofit organization connecting, supporting, and advocating for the needs of the African Diasporic adoption and foster community on a global level, through community outreach, political work, research/scholarship and social gatherings.

 Mixed Roots Movement: Representing the Mixed-race & MultiEthnic Communities in the Midwest. This is a movement to bridge negative spaces that separate people based on race, religion, ethnicity and culture. We Celebrate Diversity; We passionately reject racism and support Multiracial Families, biracial, mixed-race, multi-ethnic, multicultural as well as the multi-religious experiences. Founder, T. Fatimah Williams


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